Every Animal Has The Right To Live A Life Free From Pain And Suffering.
Stand With Us And Advocate For Those With No Voice.

Below you will find legislation that is pending in Michigan. You will also find several ways you can become involved and lobby on behalf of Michigan's pets. Get involved and make a difference for Michigan dogs and cats.
Sign-up below to become an advocate for animals! We will email you timely action alerts to assist with outreach to your legislators on important bills that affect Michigan pets.

A message from our President and CEO, Julia Willson:
"Advocating for companion animal welfare drives positive change, fostering empathy and responsibility while ensuring the well-being of our cherished animal companions. "

Queenie's Law (HB 4849) was introduced in June 2023 by Rep. Matt Koleszar. This bill would update current Michigan Public Health Code language(enacted in 1978) and would prohibit experiments that cause pain to dogs and cats at public institutions.
UPDATE NOVEMBER 13, 2024: This bill passed the House Agriculture Committee and is now awaiting a vote from the full House.
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Please contact Speaker of the House, Joe Tate, at (517) 373-0857. Urge him to bring Queenie's Law (HB 4849) forward for a vote.
Find your Michigan House Representative:
Find your Michigan Senator:
Communicating with your legislators via email, written letter, or in-person meetings are highly effective tools in your arsenal. Legislators know that constituents that are active and engaged, are more likely to vote. Do not feel intimidated by the process.
Below is a list of highly effective documents that will give you an idea of what to expect, how to prepare for meetings, and the do's and don'ts of being an effective animal advocate.
Step 1: Bills are Introduced
~Someone comes up with an idea (usually in the form of a complaint or suggestion from a constituent).
~A legislator works with staff to craft a bill that changes current law to address the complaint or suggestion.
~Bills get a number – House Bills start at #4001; Senate Bills at #1.
~MANY bills are introduced, as many as 5,000 in a two-year legislative session.
Step 2: Bills are Referred to a Committee
~All bills are referred to either a standing committee or the appropriations committee.
~Very few bills are discussed by a committee – the committee chair decides which bills are discussed, and which aren’t. Many go through the entire two-year legislative session without ever being discussed at all.
Step 3: Bills are Discussed by a Committee
~Committee members discuss and debate the bill.
~The committee may also hold public hearings on the bill. This is an opportunity for public input.
Step 4: Committee Action
~Committees will vote the bill out of committee – a majority of committee
members decides to recommend if they think the bill should be passed, or they can make changes to the bill, or they can suggest that another committee look at the bill.
~Amendments result in substitute bills.
Step 5: Floor Action
~A majority of the full House or Senate decides to pass the bill.
~Legislators can vote to return the bill to a committee for further discussion.
~Some bills are postponed for consideration, and some are tabled and are not considered again.
Step 6: Step 2-5 All Over Again
~Bills need to pass both the House and Senate.
~Bills passed in both chambers need to be identical.
Step 7: The Governor Decides
~The Governor can veto any bill or part of any appropriations bill.
~Needs a 2/3 majority in the House and Senate to override a veto.
Adapted from the Michigan Legislative Service Bureau publication of the same name.